How to build a Medical AI/ML Application on Kubernetes


cloudstrata GmbH
2 min readMay 23, 2022

What are Hybrid Cloud Patterns?

Hybrid Cloud Patterns are a natural progression from reference architectures with additional value.

This effort is focused on customer solutions that involve multiple Red Hat products. The patterns include one or more applications that are based on successfully deployed customer examples. Example application code is provided as a demonstration along with the various open source projects and Red Hat products required to for the deployment to work. Users can then modify the pattern for their own specific application.

How do we select and produce a pattern? We look for novel customer use cases, obtain an open source demonstration of the use case, validate the pattern with its components with the relevant product engineering teams, and create GitOps based automation to make them easily repeatable and extendable.

The automation also enables the solution to be added to Continuous Integration (CI), with triggers for new product versions (including betas), so that we can proactively find and fix breakage and avoid bit-rot.

Who should use these patterns?

It is recommended that architects or advanced developers with knowledge of Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform use these patterns. There are advanced Cloud Native concepts and projects deployed as part of the pattern framework. These include, but are not limited to, OpenShift Gitops (ArgoCD), Advanced Cluster Management (Open Cluster Management), and OpenShift Pipelines (Tekton)

Pattern Workflow

The Medical Diagnosis Pattern can be found here.

The purpose of this pattern is to show how medical facilities can take full advantage of trained AI/ML models to identify anomalies in the body like pneumonia. From the medical personnel point of view it works with medical imagery equipment submitting an X-ray image into the application to start the workflow.

The image is uploaded to an S3-compatible object storage. This upload triggers an event from the storage, “a new image has been uploaded”, that is sent into a Kafka topic. This topic is consumed by a KNative Eventing listener that triggers the launch of a KNative Serving instance. This instance is a containerimage with the AI/ML model and the needed processing functions. Based on the information from the event it received, the container retrieves the image from the object store, pre-processes it, makes a prediction on the risk of pneumonia using the AI/ML model, and saves the result. A notification of those results is sent to the medical staff as well.

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